216.292.GURU (4878) INFO@ACENDEX.COM

CMMC Consulting

Your Path to Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification

CMMC consulting is essential for helping Department of Defense (DoD) contractors meet the requirements of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). The DoD introduced CMMC 2.0 to protect sensitive information related to national security from cyberattacks targeting the Defense Industrial Base’s (DIB) Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).

Understanding CMMC Level 2 Compliance

Understanding CMMC Level 2 Compliance

One important aspect of CMMC 2.0 is Level 2 compliance, which is crucial for safeguarding the DIB’s controlled unclassified information from cyber threats. CMMC 2.0 comprises three maturity levels: Foundational, Advanced, and Expert.

  • Foundational Level: At this level, contractors need to follow 17 practices outlined in a set of guidelines and standards (NIST 800-171) created by the U.S. government to help organizations protect Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) in non-federal systems and organizations and perform an annual self-assessment.
  • Advanced Level: Compliance at this level involves adhering to 100 practices aligned with NIST 800-171. Third-party assessments are conducted every three years for critical national security information, and some programs may require annual self-assessments.
  • Expert Level: DoD contractors aiming for Expert Level compliance must adhere to 110+ practices based on NIST 800-172. Government-led assessments take place every three years. It’s important to highlight that any organization offering IT support to a DoD contractor must maintain compliance at the same level as the companies they assist.

The Importance of CMMC Level 2 Compliance

CMMC Level 2 compliance is of paramount importance as it is directly linked to the protection of the DIB’s controlled unclassified information (CUI) from cyberattacks. Organizations that fail to achieve or maintain the required compliance risk losing DoD contracts, exposing themselves to reputational risks, and more.

Key Components of CMMC Level 2 Compliance

  1. Discovery: Identify the data to be protected.
  2. Gap Analysis: Assess your current data protection measures and determine whether changes are required to align with CMMC requirements.
  3. Remediation Plan: Create a task list for preparing for your third-party audit, focusing on implementing security controls, practices, processes, and procedures to adequately protect CUI.
Key Components of CMMC Level 2 Compliance
Understanding CMMC Level 2 Compliance

Our Expertise in CMMC Level 2 Compliance

Acendex offers a simplified approach to CMMC Level 2 Compliance through our CMMC Managed Service Provider (MSP). Our services include Discovery, Gap Analysis, remediation planning, assistance with control implementation, SIEM systems setup, and ensuring a successful third-party audit.

Read more about CMMC Compliance Requirements here.

How We Can Help

Our approach includes several key components. First, we perform a comprehensive assessment to evaluate your current cybersecurity measures against the specific requirements of CMMC Level 2. This assessment helps us identify areas that may require improvement or additional measures.

Following this assessment, we work closely with you to develop a customized action plan, tailoring our strategies to meet your specific needs. Our team provides hands-on implementation support, ensuring that you adopt the necessary practices and processes effectively. We also guide you in aligning your documentation and policies with the Level 2 requirements.

Additionally, we offer training and awareness programs to educate your staff on new procedures and emphasize the importance of cybersecurity.


Benefits of Partnering with Us

Collaborating with us offers several advantages. First and foremost, you’ll gain access to expert guidance, allowing you to partner with a trusted advisor who can help you navigate the complexities of CMMC. This partnership ensures that you stay ahead of potential future requirements as the cybersecurity landscape evolves. By working with us, you enhance your chances of securing Department of Defense (DoD) contracts by showcasing your compliance with CMMC. Lastly, you can have peace of mind, knowing that your organization’s cybersecurity measures meet the stringent standards set by the government.

Next Steps & Getting Started

Secure your free consultation today. Call us at 216.292.4878 to get started on the path to CMMC compliance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are assessors looking for when they audit your organization for compliance?

During a third-party assessment, the Assessor meticulously evaluates specific Assessment Objectives, guided by determination statements that specify performance expectations. Each Assessment Objective involves assessment objects, including various forms of evidence.

To verify these objects, the Assessor employs methods such as examination, interviewing, and testing, often requiring access to systems, people, documentation, and facilities. After the evaluation, the Assessor categorizes each control as “MET” (successfully met), “NOT MET” (not met), or “NOT APPLICABLE.”

Preparation with Acendex ensures that your organization’s security posture improves, reducing concerns about the assessment outcome.

How much do CMMC Audits cost?

The cost of CMMC audits depends on various factors, including the CMMC Level, network complexity, and other variables that affect the audit’s duration. Once obtained, your CMMC certificate is valid for three years with ongoing management.

What is CMMC compliance, and why is it essential for organizations?

CMMC compliance refers to adhering to the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification, a framework established by the Department of Defense (DoD) to safeguard sensitive data. It is essential for organizations, especially those seeking DoD contracts, as it ensures the protection of controlled unclassified information (CUI) and federal contract information (FCI) from cyber threats.

Can you explain the different CMMC levels and their significance?

CMMC has five levels, ranging from Level 1 (basic cyber hygiene) to Level 5 (highly advanced security). Each level signifies an increasing degree of security measures and controls. The higher the level, the more rigorous the security requirements, reflecting the organization’s ability to protect sensitive data.

What services do CMMC consulting firms typically offer?

CMMC consulting firms provide a range of services, including CMMC assessments, compliance planning, gap analysis, security control implementation, documentation guidance, and assistance with preparing for third-party audits. They support organizations in achieving and maintaining CMMC compliance.

How can an organization achieve CMMC certification?

To achieve CMMC certification, organizations must undergo assessments by certified assessors to ensure their compliance with the specific CMMC level requirements. Achieving certification involves implementing and documenting the required security controls, practices, and processes.

Are there specific security measures associated with CMMC compliance?

Yes, CMMC compliance entails a set of security measures and controls tailored to each level. These measures include access control, incident response, system monitoring, and encryption, among others, to protect sensitive information.

What are the primary responsibilities of a registered practitioner in the CMMC process?

Registered practitioners play a key role in guiding organizations through the CMMC compliance process. Their responsibilities include conducting gap analysis, assisting with control implementation, and preparing organizations for CMMC assessments.

How does CMMC compliance affect organizations handling Federal Contract Information (FCI)?

Organizations handling FCI must achieve CMMC compliance to secure DoD contracts. CMMC compliance ensures that FCI is adequately protected from cyber threats, thus enhancing an organization’s eligibility for DoD contracts.

What are the key differences between CMMC and other compliance standards?

CMMC differs from other compliance standards by offering multiple levels, each with distinct security requirements. It also includes third-party assessments to validate compliance, providing a more comprehensive and tailored approach to security.

How often should organizations undergo a CMMC assessment?

The frequency of CMMC assessments depends on the level and criticality of the data an organization handles. Typically, assessments occur every one to three years, but critical national security information may require more frequent evaluations.

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23250 Chagrin Boulevard, Suite 200
Cleveland, Ohio 44122


M-F: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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216.292.GURU (4878)